<!-- Cookie Notice -->
<div class="js-cookie-notice cookie_notice" id="cookie_notice" role="alert" aria-label="Cookie Notice" tabindex="-1" aria-atomic="true">
<div class="cookie_notice_inner">
<div class="cookie_notice_content">
<h2 class="cookie_notice_title">Cookie Notice</h2>
<div class="cookie_notice_description typography">
<p>Our website uses cookies to understand how you navigate our content and to give you the best browsing experience. View our <a href="#">privacy policy</a>.</p>
<div class="cookie_notice_actions">
<button class="cookie_notice_button js-cookie-notice-button" aria-label="Close Cookie Notice">
<span class="cookie_notice_button_inner">
<span class="cookie_notice_button_label">Close</span>
<span class="cookie_notice_button_icon" aria-hidden="true">
<svg class="icon icon_close">
<use href="/images/icons.svg#close" />
<!-- END: Cookie Notice -->
{% include '@partial-cookie-notice' with {
title: 'Title',
description: '<p>Description.</p>'
} %}
<!-- Cookie Notice -->
<div class="js-cookie-notice cookie_notice" id="cookie_notice" role="alert" aria-label="Cookie Notice" tabindex="-1" aria-atomic="true">
<div class="cookie_notice_inner">
<div class="cookie_notice_content">
<h2 class="cookie_notice_title">{{ title }}</h2>
{% if title %}
<div class="cookie_notice_description typography">
{{ description }}
{% endif %}
<div class="cookie_notice_actions">
{% include '@partial-button' with {
title: 'Close',
class: 'cookie_notice',
js: true,
icon: 'close',
aria: 'Close Cookie Notice'
} %}
<!-- END: Cookie Notice -->
No notes defined.